Delivery to Holland in 2-5 days [other destinations]. Direct selling from Spain, at spanish prices.
Iberian hams and shoulders from Jabugo, Guijuelo, Extremadura and Los Pedroches. Bellota, Cebo, Duroc, Teruel Serrano Ham, Organic Ham... Buy them whole (on the bone), boneless (in one or more pieces) or sliced (in 100 g sachets).
Ham carving tools
Ham stands (ham holders). Ham knives, sharpeners, tongs, cutting tables...
Behalve de snelle levering en de gratis kaas plus olijfolie beviel ons vooral de kwaliteit van het vlees. Je kunt dit ook in de Utrechtse straat krijgen maar die is toch minder goed. Achterin de auto naar een verjaardag is altijd een succes. Iedereen wil zelf snijden!
My x-mas jamon is finally here, thanks to @ibergour. So excited! Pata Negra ftw. #jamon #Christmas #joulukinkku
Perfect, like every time. Been ordering for a while now and it’s a treat every time. Quick turn around, quality packacing.
Moltes gràcies
Ramon the Jamon, it’s been a pleasure! Enjoying the last of this wonderful #ibergour ham. #foodwithfriends #foodenjoyed
Very fast delivery of a very tasty ham.I am still enjoying it.
Surprise wedding present all the way from #spain. Thanks so much @roddycons and @marta_warmandwild . #jamoniberico #jamon #legofham #iberico #ibergour #howdoicutit #cantwaittotasteit #ham @calum.fraser.969
Quick delivery
Amazing quality
Great Service.
The taste... what can i say?
Certainly this was the best ham I've ever tasted.
And i grew up among pigs
Office ham (round 2)! A lovely looking leg from @ibergour has arrived after much anticipation from our hungry devs.
As usual, sliced, packaged and delivered reliably and correct. This is our second order from ibergour and still exceptionally happy with our purchase. Our first order was the montefrio organic which also was very tasty. Gracias!
My x-mas jamon is finally here, thanks to @ibergour. So excited! Pata Negra ftw. #jamon #Christmas #joulukinkku
Behalve de snelle levering en de gratis kaas plus olijfolie beviel ons vooral de kwaliteit van het vlees. Je kunt dit ook in de Utrechtse straat krijgen maar die is toch minder goed. Achterin de auto naar een verjaardag is altijd een succes. Iedereen wil zelf snijden!
My x-mas jamon is finally here, thanks to @ibergour. So excited! Pata Negra ftw. #jamon #Christmas #joulukinkku