Customers' reviews

Arcos Sharpening Steel

Arcos Sharpening Steel
Average rating:
Milano, Itali
Fa esattamente il suo e il costo non è eccessivoIt does exactly, and its cost is not excessive

Ottimo Acciaino, utilizzto per affilare il coltello contenuto nella confezione acquistata l'anno precedente.
Non ho avuto problemi ne nell'affilare e neppure nel taglio.
consiglio a Ibergour di inserirlo come omaggio per i clienti che riacquistano

Very good sharpener, sharpening a knife utilizzto in the package bought last year. I had no problems and it nell'affilare even in the cut. advice Ibergour inserting it as a gift for customers who renew their

December 29, 2011
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian
sehr guter Wetzstabvery good sharpening rod

Wir haben im Paket den Wetzstahl und ein hochwertiges Schinkenmesser gekauft.
Der Wetzstab ist sehr gut, haben dann erstmal gemerkt, wie schlecht unser alter war.
Mit dem Kauf diesen Messerschärfers kann man nichts falsch machen.

We package the sharpening steel and a high quality carving knife bought. The sharpening rod is very good, then have first noticed how bad was our age. With the purchase of this knife sharpener you can not go wrong.

November 22, 2010
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in german