Customers' reviews

"Paleta" D.O. Los Pedroches (Shoulder Jamon)

Pata negra
"Paleta" D.O. Los Pedroches (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" D.O. Los Pedroches (Shoulder Jamon)

264.33 €5.5 to 6 kg paletillas
Average rating:
53 reviews

Pieza Tierna y gustosa, no excesivamente salada. En resumen ha cubierto nuestras expectativas dado que nos gusta tierno no salado y gustoso

Tender and tasty piece, not excessively salty. In short, it has met our expectations since we like it tender, not salty, and tasty.

May 5, 2024
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Hamazing !

Second time I have ordered this paletilla. One of the best ones I’ve tried. Great customer service and delivery as well.

April 15, 2024

Buen gusto sabroso, tierno y con el justo punto de curado de sal. Preferimos este tipo tierno que no las paletillas mas curadas

Good tasty, tender taste and with just the right amount of salt curing. We prefer this tender type rather than the more cured shoulders.

February 23, 2024
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Buena elección, està optimo en cuanto al curado con un buen balance entre gusto y el nivel de sal. Es tierno y graso

Good choice, it is optimal in terms of curing with a good balance between taste and salt level. It is tender and fatty

November 3, 2023
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Sehr gut verpackt, ausgezeichneter Geschmack. Der beste Schinken, den ich bis jetzt bekommen habe. Sehr gute Fleischqualität. Die Lieferung ins Ausland war problemlos.

Very well packaged, excellent taste. The best ham I've had so far. Very good quality of meat. Delivery abroad was problem-free.

October 28, 2023
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Danilo Buffa
Torino, Italia
Muy buenoVery good

El product cumplio' plenamente mis expectativas! Los Pedroches lo tendre' en cuenta para la proxima vez! Hasta Ahora Ibergour sempre me ha servido muy bien

The product fully met my expectations! I'll keep Los Pedroches in mind for next time! So far Ibergour has always served me very well

October 27, 2023
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Aproveché una oferta con descuento vía mail y lo cierto es que la pieza es una maravilla, ni demasiado cruda ni demasiado curada. El servicio de Ibergour impecable (embalaje, rapidez, entrega).

I took advantage of a discounted offer via email and the truth is that the piece is wonderful, neither too raw nor too curated. Ibergour's impeccable service (packaging, speed, delivery).

October 26, 2023
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Como siempre la paletilla Pedroches esta gustosa en cuanto a gusto, sin ser salada, y tierna. De momento la calidad es constante

As always, the Pedroches shoulder is tasty in terms of taste, without being salty, and tender. For now the quality is constant

April 2, 2023
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Hampshire England
First Class

A fast delivery and superb product very well packaged.
It is simply delicious, what more can I say other than I will buying from you again.
Thank you for such a first class service and superb jamon.

November 12, 2022
Professionalità massimaMaximum professionalism

Sempre pronti a risolvere qualsiasi minimo problema, una garanzia assoluta, prodotto top! Assoluta soddisfazione ormai da molti anni.
Tornerò sicuramente a comprare dai miei fornitori.

Always ready to solve any problem, an absolute guarantee, top product! Absolute satisfaction for many years now. I will definitely be back to buy from my suppliers

October 29, 2022
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Villers-la-Ville, Belgique

J'ai déjà eu l'occasion d'acheter des épaules de chez vous et celle-ci est remporte la palme d'or! Très fondante, pas trop grasse, ... idéale! Elle a conquis la famille et amis invités ce weekend.

I have already had the opportunity to buy shoulders from you and this one won the gold medal! Very melting, not too greasy, ... ideal! She conquered the family and friends invited this weekend.

July 18, 2022
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Toulouse, France
Bellota IbergourBellota Ibergour

Décidément, cette maison est top : produit conforme, délai respecté, humour sur les mails et tout parfait ( pour en avoir essayé bcp )
La bénédiction a l'arrivée s'est parfaitement déroulée, bcp de monde invité et … l'épaule est handicapée !! Merci à vous

Definitely, this house is top: compliant product, deadline respected, humor on the emails and everything perfect (having tried so many)
The blessing on arrival went perfectly, lots of people invited and … the shoulder is disabled!! thank you

May 5, 2022
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Buen gusto y correcta curación. Ha cubierto nuestras expectativas por el momento nos gusta mas que el 5J dado que parece una calidad mas consistente.

Good taste and correct curing. It has met our expectations so far we like it better than the 5J as it seems like a more consistent quality.

February 18, 2022
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Hasta ahora habíamos consumido 5J, pero después de que algunas piezas no estuviesen todo lo gustosas que nos gustaría, nos recomendaron que probásemos la calidad Pedroches y podemos decir que esta pieza nos ha salido muy buena, gustosa y tierna

Until now we had consumed 5J, but after some pieces were not as tasty as we would like, they recommended that we try Pedroches quality and we can say that this piece has turned out very good, tasty and tender.

December 23, 2021
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La vrai qualité IbergourTrue Ibergour quality

Très bonne expérience que cette epaule los perdroches.Saveur,texturem et decoupe au top. Bravo à l'équipe Ibergour que je ne ménage jamais.

Very good experience that this shoulder los perdroches. Flavor, texture and cut to the top. Congratulations to the Ibergour team, whom I never spare.

October 8, 2020
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molto meglio la 5 jotasmuch better the 5 jotas

spalla troppo grassa e poco saporita. ho preferito di gran lunga la 5 jotas che ricomprero sicuramente. servizio come al solito perfetto.

Shoulder too greasy and not very tasty. I much preferred the 5 jotas that definitely will buy. service as usually perfect.

February 2, 2017
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mara boschi
mara boschi
bologna, Italia
ottimo prodottogreat product

spalla ottima, per nulla salata. Il grasso, che peraltro è poco, ha un buonissimo sapore e si scioglie letteralmente in bocca. Ho trovato molto comodo acquistare la spalla già pulita e confezionata in due pezzi.

good shoulder, not at all salty. The fat, which also is short, has a delicious flavor and literally melts in your mouth. I found it very convenient to buy the shoulder already cleaned and packed in two pieces.

December 31, 2016
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Buena paletillagood shoulder

Era la primera vez que compraba ibérico de Los Pedroches y resultó una paletilla excelente.
Muy jugosa y sabrosa.

It was the first time I bought Iberian Pedroches and was an excellent shoulder. Very juicy and tasty.

July 17, 2016
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Bruxelles, Belgique
Excellent produit et serviceExcellent Product and Service

Épaule de très belle qualité. Quel régal!! Je recommande fortement. Reçu également avec ma commande une huile d'olive excellente. Bref un vrais plaisir!

Shoulder of very good quality. What a treat!! I highly recommend. also received my order with an excellent olive oil. In short, a real pleasure!

May 30, 2016
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Tutto perfettoAll perfect

Prodotto ottimo, conforme a quanto dichiarato. Spalla molto saporita; averla richiesta disossata e tagliata in 2 parti permette un taglio al coltello meno complicato. Ottima assistenza post vendita e rapida spedizione. Ripeterei l'acquisto.

Great product, conforms with the declarations. Shoulder very tasty; her request boned and cut into 2 parts allows a cut to the knife less complicated. Excellent after sales service and quick delivery. I would repeat the purchase.

February 23, 2016
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peillon henri
peillon henri
pas à la hauteur du prixnot worth the price

Epaule insuffisamment sêche. Manque quelques mois de maturation pour pouvoir prétendre être à la hauteur de ce que l'on attend d'un bellota...

Shoulder insufficiently dryer. Missing a few months of aging in order to qualify to live up to what is expected of an acorn ...

December 31, 2015
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Une bretonne a Londres
Une bretonne a Londres
Produit tres satisfaisantVery satisfactory product

Envoie hyper rapide meme en periode de fete de fin d'annee , excellent suivie, produit bien emballe, il y a du professionalisme,
Le produit tient toute ses promesses, je suis exigeante et lorsque je n'aime pas , je le dis ( so french...)
Mais pour le coup, promesse tenue, ni plus ni moins, on en a pour son argent comme on dit, c' est a vous de bien choisir le produit que vous souhaitez en fonction de ce que vous voulez.
C' est pourqoi je recommende a tous. Mon unique voeu puissent la qualite et le professionalisme demeurer constante. Qui vivra verra.

Send super fast even in times of end of year party, followed by good, well-packaged product, there is the professionalism, the product keeps all its promises, I am demanding and I do not like when I say (so french ...) But for once, promise, neither more nor less, we pay for as they say, it's up to you to choose the product you want depending on what you want. It is why I recommend to all. My only hope can the quality and professionalism remain constant. Time will tell.

December 29, 2015
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Milano, Italia
Ottimo acquistoGreat purchase

La spalla è molto buona, il sapore molto intenso, morbida la consistenza e giusta la stagionatura.
Ad alcuni potrebbe sembrare un po' troppo grassa, ma a me piace moltissimo la sensazione di "oleosità" della carne, ed il fatto che il grasso si scioglie letteralmente in bocca.
E' il mio primo acquisto di un "bellota", sono cusrioso di provarne altri e di confrontarli con questo.

The shoulder is very good, very intense flavor, soft texture and correct the seasoning. To some it may seem a bit 'too fat, but I really like the feeling of "oiliness" of the flesh, and the fact that the fat literally melts in your mouth. It 's my first purchase of a "bellota" are cusrioso of others and try to compare them with this.

October 20, 2014
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Vigo, España

Muy buen sabor, normal de tocino y grasa.Ideal para invitar a unos familiares, amigos y demas compañeros.Espero volver a comprar otra Paletilla D.O.Los Pedroches Bellota.

Very good flavor, regular bacon and fat. Ideal to invite relatives, friends and classmates. I hope to buy another Pedroches Bellota Shoulder idols.

May 10, 2014
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Nürngerg, Deutschland
Proessionelle Abwicklung, schnell, super QualitätProessionelle handling, fast, super quality

Tipp: Schinken nicht zu kühl lagern vor dem Verzehr. Er wurde im Laufe des Abends immer wärmer und immer besser

Tip: Ham store not too cool before eating. It was during the evening getting warmer and getting better

February 9, 2014
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Ho già effettuato numerosi acquisti su IBERGUR.
Rinnovo i complimenti per la serietà ed efficenza del sito e del servizio.
la spalla in questione è risultata ottima con ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
Da consigliare.
Se posso un suggerimento: variate le opzioni omaggio, oppure scontate qualcosa sul prezzo o sul trasporto per noi
AFFEZIONATI che già hanno coltello ed altro

I've made numerous purchases of IBERGUR. Once again, congratulations to the reliability and efficiency of the website and service. the shoulder in question was very good with excellent value for money. Recommended. If I may a suggestion: varied options tribute, or something on the price or discounted transportation for us fans, who have already knife and more

May 30, 2013
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firenze, italia
spalla D.O. Los Pedroches Bellotashoulder Los Pedroches Bellota

La spalla è arrivata puntualissima dopo tre giorni dall'ordine. Era la prima volta che la prendevo e devo dire che sono rimasto completamente soddisfatto è buona forse meglio anche del prosciutto che avevo preso in precedenza. Profumo, sapore eccellenti.

The shoulder is arrived punctually after three days of ordering. It was the first time I took it and I have to say I was completely satisfied is good maybe even better ham that I had taken earlier. Smell, taste excellent.

February 25, 2013
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pour nous le joselito étais parmis nos favoris il se trouve qu'a présent los pedroches surclasse celui-ci une épaule trés suave un parfum incomparable bref le top!nous essayerons le jambon la prochaine fois !

for we were among our favorites joselito it is has now los pedroches outperforms one shoulder very sweet fragrance incomparable short the top! we will try the ham next time!

February 25, 2013
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Carlos Cab.
Cork, Ireland
One of the best I ever tried

Intense "meaty" taste, melt-in-the-mouth fat, perfect saltiness. Somewhat difficult to carve, but all in all a great shoulder.

July 15, 2012

Maybe I got unlucky, as others have posted favourable reviews, but the shoulder I received was dry and hard. There was no distinctive nutty flavour or melt in the mouth texture. It was also very difficult to carve. Definitely did not live upto my expectations.. I won't be re-ordering this shoulder.

June 29, 2012
Roma, Italia
Prodotto di eccellente qualità.Product of excellent quality.

Un prodotto veramente eccellente. Sia il prosciutto che il formaggio sono veramente squisiti. La consegna è stata rapida ed efficiente, il confezionamento dei prodotti perfetto. Gradevole l'omaggio. Ripeterò l'acquisto.

A truly excellent product. Both the ham cheese are really delicious. The delivery was quick and efficient packaging of products perfect. Nice tribute. Repeat purchase.

April 27, 2012
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Buscaba una tienda donde poder comprar jamones con garantía de calidad ya que no entiendo como para saber escojerlos y tras varias malas experiencias en tiendas físicas me decidí a probar en internet. El resultado ha sido excelente por lo que seguro repetiré. La paleta muy buena y el envío muy rápido y bien embalado.

Find a store where you can buy hams with quality assurance and do not understand how to learn to choose and after several bad experiences in physical stores I decided to try the Internet. The result has been excellent so surely repeat. The palette very good and very fast shipping and well packaged.

January 28, 2012
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tra quelli che ho comprato è il più gustoso, però forse preferisco 5 Jotas che trovo più morbido. comunque tutti ottimi

I bought one of those who has the tastiest, but maybe I find I prefer softer Jacks 5. However, all good

July 7, 2011
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Dr. Degenhart
Nürnberg, D
authentische Qualitätauthentic quality

Sehr gute, ausgereifte Qualität, wie man sie sonst nur vor Ort erhält, sehr intensiver Geschmack - man sollte allerdings wissen, dass die paletilla als ganzes Stück relativ viel Fett enthält, das Aufschneiden ist mit dem mitgelieferten Schinkenhalter jedoch nicht allzu schwierig .- Exzellenter Lieferservice, uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen.

Very good, mature quality, how to get otherwise only locally, very intense flavor - one should know that the paletilla rather than whole piece contains much fat, the slicing is using the included ham operator but not too difficult .- Excellent Delivery Service to recommend without reservation.

May 4, 2011
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Pignola, Italia
Prima volta di un pata negraFirst time a pata negra

Ordine e spedizione veloci.
Il prodotto è semplicemente delizioso. Come primo acquisto sono andato sulla spalla non sapendo cosa aspettarmi dal prodotto. Devo dire che è stata un'ottima soluzione anche dal punto di vista pratico.
Morbido e profumato veramente un sapore unico.

Order and Fast Shipping. The product is simply delicious. As a first purchase, I went on the shoulder, not knowing what to expect from the product. I must say that it was also an excellent solution from the practical point of view. A very soft and fragrant flavor. Recommended

April 26, 2011
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placer sublime.sublime pleasure.

Hola,como comente cuando compre la paleta de S.romero 5J,esta vez y por consejo de un amigo,compre una de pedroches,no sabria decir cual me gusta más,es excelente en curación,grasa,punto de sal.La proxima le toca a la de extremadura y luego la de huelva.
un saludo.

Hello, comment when buying 5J S.romero palette, this time on the advice of a friend, buy one of Pedroches not say which I like better, is excellent in healing, fat, sal.La next point will touches of Extremadura and then Huelva. a greeting.

January 26, 2011
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No está malNot bad

No está mal, pero.....Degustamos en familia la paletilla comparándola con el jamón y todos coincidimos en que en Pedroches la paletilla es bastante inferior al jamón.

Not bad, but family ..... We tasted the shoulder compared with the ham and all agree that in Pedroches the shoulder is well below the ham.

December 31, 2010
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Nino Cugurra
Nino Cugurra
Florinas, Sardegna italia
semplicemente fantasticosemplicemente fantastico

La paletilla de los pedroches è un prodotto semplicemente fantastico. sono un vostro cliente da diversi anni, e mi sono trovato sempre molto bene. Questa volta, ho voluto provare la paletilla Los Pedroches e ho fatto una ottima scelta. Sapore eccellente, profumo tipico del bellota gusto indimenticabile. Per finire tutto perfetto dall'ordine fino all'arrivo delle 2 paletillas. Grazie Ibergour. Al prossimo ordine.

Pedroches the shoulder of a prodotto è semplicemente fantastico. sono a vostro client da diversi anni, e me sono trovato molto bene semper. Questa volta, ho volute provare shoulder Pedroches e ho fatto a ottima scelta. Sapore eccellente, profumo indimenticabile taste typical of the acorn. Per tutto perfetto Finir dall'ordine all'arrivo fine delle 2 blades. Grazie Ibergour. Al prossimo ordine.

December 28, 2010
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muy bueno, muy profesionalvery good, very professional

el jamon llegaba en perfectas condiciones y muy rapido. muy bien servicio, recomendable!
la cualidad del jamon esta muy bueno, sabroso!

the ham arrived in perfect condition and very fast. very good service, recommended! the quality of the ham is very good, tasty!

December 18, 2010
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julian franco
julian franco
saint hilaire de la noaille, francia
jamon buenisimobuenisimo ham

por primera vez compre en ibergour. he recibido una paletilla en un plazo cortisimo (vivo en francia). El jamon iberico de bellota perfecto para mi gusto.

first purchase in ibergour. I have received a shoulder within a very short (I live in France). The Iberian ham perfect for my taste.

November 29, 2010
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Miguel V
Getafe, España
Un regalo perfectoA perfect gift

Buscábamos una paletilla con clase y a un precio razonable para hacer un regalo a una persona especial y con este producto hemos acertado de pleno.
Además, el plazo de entrega y la presentación del embalaje elevan la calidad desde el primer momento.

We wanted a classy shoulder at a reasonable price to make a gift to someone special with this product we have full right. In addition, the delivery and presentation enhance the quality packaging from the outset.

September 27, 2010
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Très bon produitVery good product

La qualité correspond bien au niveau du prix et de la réputation. Pas tout à fait au niveau des meilleurs que j'ai pu goûter, mais excellent quand même. Livraison rapide, présentation impeccable.

The quality matches the price level and reputation. Not quite at the level of the best I have tasted, but excellent nonetheless. Fast delivery, perfect presentation.

September 11, 2010
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lille, France
Toujours aussi bon !Always so good!

la qualité est au rendez vous ! service rapide et fiable. frais d'envoi moins important que sur d'autres sites.
Le produit est toujours aussi bon. Tendre,facile a couper avec le support et le couteau. L'épaule est trop bonne, mais trop rapidement consommée par la famille. La prochaine commande sera un jambon ! le prix en vaut certainement la peine !

the quality is there now! fast and reliable. Shipping costs less than other sites. The product is still good. Gentle, easy to cut with the support and the knife. The shoulder is too good, but too quickly consumed by the family. The next order will be a ham! the price is definitely worth the effort!

August 27, 2010
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David M.
Pedroches Bellota Shoulder

A very good shoulder. My feeling is that I preferred the Cuatro Jotas bought last December - but could this be the difference between a winter bought and a summer bought shoulder?
As ever the sevice was brilliant and the delivery without problems.
As I already have a carving knife and stand, it would be nice for there to be an automated alternative when purchasing to supply something different.
Best wishes and I will be buying again at Xmas!

August 24, 2010

Vraiment je vais donner l'adresse à tout le monde ... c'est un super produit. c'est un produit à déguster à l'apéro.

Really I will give the address to everyone ... is a great product. is a product to be enjoyed as an aperitif.

June 28, 2010
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Chris S.
Chris S.
Aldershot, England
Lip-smackingly great!

We had lots of jamon all over Christmas and well into the new year, even though it was shoulder and not a leg.
The texture was good ( I particularly like the darker, drier pieces), the smell was appetising, the fat balance just right, imparting a wonderful taste.
I kept it in the garage, wrapped in a muslin, hanging from the rafters by the rope already attached to the hoof end, which worked well.
The knife is a useful addition and was perfectly sharp on arrival.
The jamon arrived in good time and condition, although the external packaging was slightly damaged. Set it up on the cutting board straight away. Unfortunately the top screw has snapped, but the Jamon is still secure.
This is now on the list for every Christmas and probably any other event in the year just as an excuse to get another one. I will have to sort a more sturdy cutting board, in the meantime.

May 11, 2010
Marmirolo, Italia
Ripeterò a breve l'acquistoShort repeat purchase

Prodotto eccellente per qualità. Confezionamento davvero gradevole e idoneo. Consegna davvero molto rapida. Sicuramente ripeterò a breve l'acquisto.

Excellent product quality. Packaging really nice and suitable. Delivery very fast. Certainly in the short repeat purchase.

February 9, 2010
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David F.
David F.
Cubelles, Barcelona
Muy alta calidadVery high quality

La verdad es que el producto que adquirí fue de muy alta calidad, me dejé recomendar por ustedes por teléfono y si satisfacción fue muy alta, lo unico que pasa es que todo producto bueno entiendo que tiene un precio y cada mes no me puedo permitir una paletilla de este tipo. Pero la verdad es que fue exactamente lo que yo buscaba.

The truth is that the product I bought was of very high quality, let me recommend to you on the phone and if satisfaction was very high, the only thing that happens is that all understand that good product is priced and every month I can not afford one shoulder of this type. But the truth is that it was exactly what I wanted.

December 29, 2009
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Pierre M.
Montpellier, France
Douce et fineSoft and fine

Une épaule dont la chair est douce et fine avec des nuances de noix en bouche.Une saveur incomparable.

A shoulder whose flesh is soft and delicate with hints of walnuts bouche.Une incomparable flavor.

November 26, 2009
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Silvino M.
Siero, España
Para llevar en un viajeTo carry on a trip

Muy bien cortado, muy bien embalado y un buen sabor, pero no lo recomiendo. No se trata, en mi opinión, de una menor calidad del producto, sino que debido al tratamiento (loncheado, refrigeración, etc. al consumirlo, se evidencia que no tiene el mismo sabor que el del producto consumido sin lonchear. No obstante si lo recomiendo si es para llevar en un viaje, ya que se lleva solo la parte comestible y el lonchado previo hace muy cómodo su consumo, aunque no hay que olvidar sacarla del refrigerados con tiempo suficiente para que se adapte a la temperatura ambiente. Aunque tambien podría ser que la denominación de origen Los Pedroches no tenga la calidad de los productos con D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura, que solo me han decepcionado una sola vez.

Very well cut, well packed and good taste, but not recommend it. It is not, in my view, of a lower quality product, but due to processing (slicing, cooling, etc.. By consuming, it is evident that tastes the same as that of the product consumed without slicing. But if recommend whether to carry on a trip, since it takes only the edible part and slicing it very comfortable after consumption, but do not forget out of the refrigerator with enough time to adapt to room temperature. Although it could also be that the designation of origin The Pedroches not have the quality of products DO Dehesa de Extremadura, which I have only been disappointed once.

November 9, 2009
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Norman F.
London, England
A touch dry

A very nice Bellota shoulder, but a touch dry, good aroma and flavour which came through when slowly savoured.

November 9, 2009
Emilia G.
Madrid, España
Me sorprendióI was surprised

Me sorprendió gratamente, me gustó mucho más que el 5 jotas.

I was pleasantly surprised, I liked much more than the five jacks.

November 5, 2009
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Stephane H.
Paris, France
Très gouteuxVery tasty

Jambon très gouteux, pas sec et pas trop gras.

Ham very tasty, not dry and not too greasy.

January 12, 2009
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