Customers' reviews

Jamon Batallé Curado Gran Reserva Ham

Jamon Batallé Curado Gran Reserva Ham

Jamon Batallé Curado Gran Reserva Ham

165.91 €7.75 to 8.5 kg jamones
Average rating:
59 reviews
Gironde, France
très bon jambon Duroc, excellent rapport qualité prixvery good Duroc ham, excellent value for money

Jambon Duroc très persillé, manque un peu d'intensité, mais c'est normal, c'est pas un pata negra.

Very marbled Duroc ham, lacking a little intensity, but that's normal, it's not a pata negra.

December 17, 2024
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Excellent jambonExcellent ham

La chair est bien persillée, et son goût est bien au dessus d'un serrano
Affinage de 18 mois fait dans les règles de l'art
C'est un avis très objectif, j'ai travaillé 15 ans pour les meilleurs salaisonniers français, espagnols et italiens, en tant que maître trancheur (cortador), et ai eu au moins 5000 jambons sous mes couteaux
Aussi, le jambon est arrivé en 3 jours après la commande dans un emballage pro de pro
Merci Ibergour

The flesh is well marbled, and its taste is well above that of a Serrano. 18 months of maturation done according to the rules of the art. This is a very objective opinion, I worked for 15 years for the best French, Spanish and Italian curers, as a master slicer (cortador), and had at least 5000 hams under my knives. Also, the ham arrived in 3 days after ordering in professional packaging. Thank you Ibergour

December 11, 2024
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MCarmen Sanandrés
MCarmen Sanandrés
Santiago de Compostela
Sabor exquisito.Exquisite flavor.

Es un jamón de primera, muy tierno y sabroso, sin excederse en salado. Aguanta mucho tiempo sin perder calidad ni sabor.
Lo hemos comprado varias veces ya, y seguiremos comprándolo. Nos encanta.
Además, tanto embalaje como transporte, de máxima calidad y confianza.

It is a top quality ham, very tender and tasty, without being overly salty. It lasts a long time without losing quality or flavour. We have bought it several times now, and we will continue to buy it. We love it. In addition, both packaging and transport are of the highest quality and reliability.

November 3, 2024
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La verdad que he comprado unas cuantas veces este jamón y me ha salido excelente. Pero tengo que decir que está vez el jamón está un poco seco y su tocino es un poco amarillento, no es como otras veces que era más rosáceo. Está vez está demasiado curado. Estoy un poco disgustado porque está vez a sido más caro y peor. Recomiendo que lo compréis porque pienso que una vez no me justifica las anteriores. Su atención es muy buena, transporte y embalaje muy bien.

The truth is that I have bought this ham several times and it has been excellent. But I have to say that this time the ham is a little dry and its bacon is a little yellowish, it is not like other times when it was more pinkish. This time it is too cured. I am a little upset because this time it has been more expensive and worse. I recommend that you buy it because I think that one time does not justify the previous ones. Their service is very good, transport and packaging very good.

November 2, 2024
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Saint Laurent de cerdans
Excelente relación calidad-precioGreat value for the price

Muy buena calidad
Llevo varios años encargando jamones y paletas y este es realmente bueno.
Bien adobado y muy sabroso

Very good quality. I have been ordering hams and shoulders for several years and this one is really good. Well marinated and very tasty

July 31, 2024
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Bordeaux, France
Bon jambonGood ham

magnifique jambon, bien emballé, des explications claires et détaillées pour la découpe, bien précieuses. Il convient de laisser le jambon "respirer" quelques jours avant de le couper car il est encore un peu jeune. Pas mal de gras, bien persillé. Bon produit

magnificent ham, well packaged, clear and detailed explanations for cutting, very precious. It is advisable to let the ham "breathe" for a few days before cutting it because it is still a little young. Quite fat, well marbled. Good product

June 21, 2024
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Muy buenoVery good

Muy bueno, ya he comprado varias veces y fenomenal, muy bien todo, el transporte, y sobre todo el jamón

Very good, I have already bought several times and it is phenomenal, everything was very good, the transportation, and especially the ham

November 30, 2023
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Excelente relación calidad precio, producto buenísimo- Cada año sobre esta mismas fechas efectuamos pedido de
un jamón para Navidad, pero por lo general nunca llega a durar hasta esa fecha pues se agota antes.

Excellent value for money, great product - Every year around this same time we order a ham for Christmas, but it usually never lasts until that date because it runs out before then.

November 19, 2023
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Nous avons acheté ce jambon pour le goûter avant notre mariage. Et nous allons en recommander un, car il est excellent !!! C'est un régal à chaque tranche.

We bought this ham for a snack before our wedding. And we are going to recommend one, because it is excellent!!! It's a treat with every slice.

April 8, 2023
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Tres bonVery good

J’ai voulu goûter, et pour essayer le jambon Serrano j’en ai acheté deux jambon d’origine différents et très sincèrement, je ne suis pas déçu de mon achat. La livraison à été très bien, à l’heure et bien emballée!
Le jambon. Oui très bon, et un rapport qualité/prix très correct.
Pas de critique sur ce produit mais devant le pata negra, pas de doute, particulièrement je préfère le pata negra.

I wanted to taste, and to try the Serrano ham I bought two different hams of origin and very sincerely, I am not disappointed with my purchase. The delivery was very good, on time and well packaged! Ham. Yes very good, and a very good price / quality ratio. No criticism on this product but in front of the pata negra, no doubt, particularly I prefer the pata negra.

April 16, 2022
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Non sempre è facile trovare un prodotto di elevata qualità. In questo caso si raggiunge la perfezione. Il prociutto è buonissimo è appena finisce ne prenderò un altro

It is not always easy to find a high quality product. In this case, perfection is achieved. The ham is very good and as soon as it finishes I'll take another one

February 10, 2022
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Manuel Díaz
Bilbao, España.
De DIEZOutstanding

No es la primera vez que compró, y estoy tremendamente muy satisfecho.
El transporte llegó en su fecha, lo más importante,el producto es de diez, muy buena calidad, buen sabor.
Lo recomiendo.

It is not the first time I have bought, and I am tremendously very satisfied. The transport arrived on its date, the most important thing, the product is ten, very good quality, good taste. I recommend it.

January 5, 2022
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Antonio L Ferrer Hernández
Antonio L Ferrer Hernández
San Pedro del Pinatar ,Murcia

Hola. Temía por si vendría en mal estado o no estuviera bueno , pero todo lo contrario , está buenísimo no, lo siguiente . Para no ser ibérico está como si lo fuera.FelicIdades

Hello. I was afraid if it would come in bad condition or if it was not good, but on the contrary, it is great, no, the following. In order not to be Iberian, it is as if it were.

January 1, 2022
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Ole Harboe Jensen
Ole Harboe Jensen
Lovely ham.

It is always a pleasure to receive an taste the hams from Ibergour! I have bought hams three times now and will no doubt continue.

December 6, 2021
Lanfranchi Simon
Lanfranchi Simon
Viggianello Corse
Une merveille pour le palaisA wonder for the palate

Jambon d’une exceptionnelle qualité ainsi que l’huile d’olive qui m’as été offerte en cadeau.
Que dire d’autres,si se n’est que je recommande ce jambon et que je le recommanderai.

Ham of exceptional quality as well as the olive oil that was given to me as a gift. What else can I say, except that I recommend this ham and will recommend it.

November 27, 2021
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Muy buen producto como siempreVery good product as always

Como siempre buen producto, rapidez en el servicio y buen precio. Y no podia faltar trato excelente. Sin lugar a dudas seguire comprandoles.

As always, good product, quick service and good price. And you could not miss excellent treatment. Without a doubt I will continue to buy from them.

November 22, 2021
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julio cesar garcia aranda
julio cesar garcia aranda

Esta empresa es sinónimo de calidad y atención al cliente desde luego repetire. Gran producto, seriedad y puntualidad en la entrega

This company is synonymous with quality and customer service I will certainly repeat. Great product, seriousness and punctuality in delivery

August 9, 2021
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Manuel Díaz
Bilbao, España.
Bueno pero...Okay, but...

Me decidí a comprar este jamón, tras probar uno de las mismas características en casa de un familiar, he de decir que estaba increíble.
Me gustaría comenzar valorando atención y transporte, la atención ha sido muy buena, el transporte correcto, venía muy bien embalado y lo recibí dentro de la fecha estipulada sin problema alguno.
Comencé nuestro jamón por la babilla y me decepcionó un poco ya que pecaba de salado en cambio por la parte de la Maza esta más jugoso su sabor es mejor aunque sigue teniendo un toque de exceso de sal.
No es mal producto es cuestión de suerte y que no salga salado, probablemente volveré a comprar en otra ocasión aunque si me vuelve a pasar lo mismo si que solicitaré un cambio.

I decided to buy this ham, after trying one of the same characteristics at a relative's home, I have to say that it was incredible. I would like to start by assessing service and transport, the service has been very good, the correct transport, it came very well packaged and I received it within the stipulated date without any problem. I started our ham with the stifle and it disappointed me a bit since it was salty, on the other hand, the Mace part is juicier, its flavor is better although it still has a touch of excess salt. It is not a bad product, it is a matter of luck and that it does not come out salty, I will probably buy another time, although if the same thing happens to me again, I will request a change.

June 17, 2021
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Ya es el tercer jamón que cojo y como siempre buen producto, rapidez de envio muy recomendable volveré a comprar sin dudas y recomendable.

It is already the third ham that I take and as always a good product, fast shipping, highly recommended, I will buy again without doubts and recommended.

May 28, 2021
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Ángeles García Fernández
Ángeles García Fernández
Excelente jamonExcellent ham

Estupendo jamón ya sabía q era buenísimo pues trabajo con el a diario por eso me decidí por el, pues no sale ni salado ni da problema ninguno recomendable 100%.

Great ham, I already knew that it was great because I work with it every day, that's why I decided on it, because it does not come out salty or gives any problem, 100% recommended.

April 19, 2021
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Modena, Italia
BravissimiVery good

I più sinceri complimenti per l'estrema cortesia, la spedizione velocissima e l'ottimo prodotto ricevuto. Farò sicuramente nuovi acquisti.
Grazie mille

The most sincere congratulations for the extreme courtesy, the fast shipping and the excellent product received. I will definitely make new purchases. thanks a lot

January 7, 2021
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Roma, Italia
Ottimo prosciuttoGreat ham

Dopo aver effettuato diverse ricerche online, ho scoperto Ibergour. Fidandomi delle recensioni positive ho acquistato due prosciutti jamon serrano 100% duroc Reserva Batallé da regalare per Natale ai miei fratelli. Sono rimasto molto soddisfatto, per chi come me non ama prosciutti troppo stagionati e salati, questo è l'ideale, equilibrato, con piccole striature di grasso che lo rendono sempre piacevole, mai secco. Ottimo il servizio di Ibergour, in due giorni già era in Italia, unico appunto è da cambiare il corriere italiano, perché ho atteso invano due giorni, non sono passati e hanno detto che non mi avevano trovato, non è vero, alla fine sono andato a prendermelo, ha impiegato meno tempo ad arrivare dalla Spagna che Roma per Roma. A parte questo, non dipendente da Ibergour, sono molto contento dell'acquisto e ho fatto una gran bella figura.

After doing several online searches, I discovered Ibergour. Trusting the positive reviews, I bought two 100% duroc Reserva Batallé jamon serrano hams to give to my brothers for Christmas. I was very satisfied, for those like me who do not like overly seasoned and salty hams, this is ideal, balanced, with small streaks of fat that make it always pleasant, never dry. Ibergour's service was excellent, in two days it was already in Italy, the only thing to do is to change the Italian courier, because I waited in vain for two days, they didn't pass and they said they hadn't found me, that's not true, in the end I went it took me less time to get it from Spain than Rome to Rome. Apart from that, not dependent on Ibergour, I am very happy with the purchase and have made a great impression.

January 6, 2021
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Vemars France
Rapide et excellentFast and excellent

Site très sérieux, deuxième commande pour nous. Et pas déçu ! Livraison rapide (juste un petit problème de colis ouvert mais Ibergour a assuré, relivraison immédiate par un autre prestataire de ce qui a été volé).
Le jambon est excellent et ces mots viennent de mon papa qui vient du sud et qui est exigeant en la matière. Ce fut son cadeau de Noël.
Je recommande et recommanderais sûrement.
Toujours très amusant de lire la petite lettre de départ du jambon.

Very serious site, second order for us. And not disappointed! Fast delivery (just a small problem with an open package but Ibergour assured, immediate redelivery by another provider of what was stolen). The ham is excellent and these words come from my dad who comes from the south and who is demanding in the matter. It was his Christmas present. I recommend and would surely recommend. Always great fun to read the little letter of departure of the ham.

December 29, 2020
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Asturias, España
Gracias cerdoThanks pig

Lo primero, dar la enhorabuena al CM que redactó el mail. Me alegro el día cuando lo leí. De verdad. Genial. Y ahora vamos a lo que nos trae, el jamón, no es la primera vez ni será la última que confíe en este estupendo jamón. Gran calidad al mejor precio. El servicio como siempre, de elite. Muchas gracias y felices fiestas

First of all, congratulate the CM who wrote the email. I'm glad my day when I read it. Really. Great. And now we go to what he brings us, the ham, it is not the first time nor will it be the last that I trust this great ham. Great quality at the best price. Service as always, elite. Thank you very much and happy holidays

December 19, 2020
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La coruña
Muy bueno y buen punto d salVery good and good point of salt

Un jamón muy bueno, exquisito sabor y en su punto d sal, y perfecto embalaje y muy formales en la entrega. Para repetir.

A very good ham, exquisite flavor and at its point of salt, and perfect packaging and very formal delivery. To repeat.

December 6, 2020
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Ich bin von der Qualität von diesem " pata negra sin bellota" Schinken beeindruckt. Tolle Maserung und Reife en su punto.
Repetiré !

I am impressed with the quality of this "pata negra sin bellota" ham. Great grain and maturity en su punto. Repetiré!

December 1, 2020
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Calidad estupenda.Super quality.

Un jamón CO JO NU DO.. Riquísimo, te lo comes sin enterarte. Muy buena calidad, el embalaje perfecto, y al vacío. El jamón con sabor intenso y muy bueno. Repetiremos! La atención de los vendedores excelente.

A CO JO NU DO ham .. Delicious, you eat it without knowing it. Very good quality, perfect packaging, and vacuum packed. The ham with an intense and very good flavor. We will repeat! Excellent sellers attention.

October 26, 2020
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La Zubia (Granada)

Sorptendente sabor para ser un jamón serrano tiene una curación perfecta ni duro ni blando,la grasa se deshace en la boca liberando un fantastico sabor,,,nada que envidiar a un jamón ibérico

Surprising flavor to be a serrano ham has a perfect cure neither hard nor soft, the fat melts in the mouth releasing a fantastic flavor, nothing to envy an Iberian ham

May 18, 2020
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Roma, Italia
Buon prosciutto pero' mo aspettavo di piu'Good ham but I was expecting more

E' un buon prosciutto ma non ha il gusto del tipico serrano dal gusto inconfondibile che trovi ovunque in Spagna e non e' il costoso Pata Negra ma quello semplice e tipico Vorrei capire quale dovrei acquistare. Voglio comunque segnale il servizio di acquisto perfetto e la spedizione del prodotto molto efficiente soprattutto nel confezionamento a tutela della qualita'

It is a good ham but it does not have the taste of the typical Serrano with the unmistakable taste that you find everywhere in Spain and it is not the expensive Pata Negra but the simple and typical one. I would like to understand which one I should buy. However, I want to signal the perfect purchase service and the very efficient shipment of the product, especially in quality protection packaging

May 4, 2020
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Muy buen jamón.Very good ham.

Aun no había probado un duroc, siempre me ha decantado por el ibérico.
Grata sorpresa, un jamón con gran infiltración y en su punto justo de curación. Un muy buen sabor y prefecto en su salazón.
Envío muy rápido, recepción retrasada una semana por culpa de SEUR, que como es habitual son nefastos, delegación de Tarragona.
Agradezco las gestiones efectuadas por Ibergour en el seguimiento de la entrega.

I had not yet tried a duroc, I have always opted for the Iberian. Pleasant surprise, a ham with great infiltration and at its right point of cure. A very good flavor and prefect in your salting. Very fast shipping, reception delayed a week because of SEUR, which as usual are disastrous, Tarragona delegation. I appreciate the efforts made by Ibergour in monitoring the delivery.

April 19, 2020
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Super leckerer Silvester-SchmausSuper delicious New Year's feast

Viel im Netz gelesen und verglichen. Ist bei einem "hochpreisigen" Produkt ja auch standard. Letztendlich auf diesen Shop vertraut und definitiv nicht enttäuscht worden! Ich kann an dieser Stelle nur Positives resümieren. Schnelle Lieferung, Super verpackt, gute Anleitung, toller Geschmack und Qualität.

Read and compared a lot on the net. Is also standard for a "high-priced" product. Ultimately trusted in this shop and definitely not been disappointed! I can only sum up positive things here. Fast delivery, super packed, good instructions, great taste and quality.

January 2, 2020
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Prodotto di qualitàQuality product

Ho acquistato per la prima volta un prosciutto su Ibergour e sono rimasto sorpreso in modo davvero piacevole. Prodotto con ottimo sapore, non eccessivamente salato e stagionato al punto giusto. Davvero soldi ben spesi. Lo raccomando a chi vuole un prodotto di qualità. In futuro sicuramente ne acquisterò di nuovo.

I bought a ham for the first time on Ibergour and was pleasantly surprised. Product with excellent flavor, not excessively salty and seasoned at the right point. Really well spent money. I recommend it to anyone who wants a quality product. In the future I will definitely buy it again.

December 22, 2019
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une découvertea discovery

Un excellent jambon :saveur, texture parfaites. J'ai voulu faire un essai et je ne le regrette pas. Un régal a consommé sans modération

An excellent ham: flavor, perfect texture. I wanted to give it a try and I do not regret it. A treat consumed without moderation

August 1, 2019
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José Miguel
José Miguel
Excelente productoExcellent product

Con un sabor estupendo y en su justo punto de curación, para mi gusto. Envío rápido y sin problemas

With a great taste and at its right point of healing, for my taste. Fast and hassle free shipping

March 8, 2019
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jean paul ROY
Aulnay de Saintonge, France
Bon rapport qualité/prixGood value for money

C'est la première fois que je commande ce type de jambon. Correct dans l'ensemble.
Livraison rapide, bon suivi de commande.

This is the first time I order this type of ham. OK overall. Fast delivery, good order tracking.

February 25, 2019
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J'ai commandé pour la première fois un jambon sur le site Ibergour.. que je ne connaissais pas du tout une semaine auparavant .J'ai demandé que l'on m'expédie un jambon desossé ..4 jours apres ma commande, j'ai ete livrée et je ne suis pas décue du tout, au contraire ..le jambon etait tres bien emballé et il est delicieux !

I ordered for the first time a ham on the site Ibergour .. I did not know at all a week before. I asked that they send me a ham boned .. 4 days after my order, I I was delivered and I'm not disappointed at all, on the contrary .. the ham was very well packaged and it is delicious!

December 10, 2018
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Steeve Boulant
Steeve Boulant
Heidelberg, Germany
Jamon Reserva Batallé Duroc

This Ham is very good. A little hard for the "inside of the leg" part. the part which is not cover by skin and fat. But personally I like it this way.
We had some issues with our delivery company here in Germany, but the Ibergour team was extremely helpful in resolving the problem. At the end, they sent us a new ham and free cheeses to apologize for the delay.
Amazing customer service
great place to order ham!

November 30, 2018
José Miguel
José Miguel
Excelente productoExcellent product

En el punto de curación que nos gusta, mas bien blandito. Un sabor estupendo.
Muy bien embalado y el envío rápido. Repetiremos sin duda

At the point of healing that we like, rather soft. A great flavor Very well packed and fast shipping. We will repeat without a doubt

November 22, 2018
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Locarno Ticino svizzera
GrazieThank you

Grazie disossato poco grasso e buono, prossimamente ne acquisterò ancora sicuramente, arrivato in tempi brevi e molto ben imballato. Grazie della professionalità

Thanks boneless little fat and good, I will soon buy again surely, arrived quickly and very well packed. Thanks for the professionalism

October 18, 2018
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Mário Mendes
Mário Mendes
Leiria, Portugal
Muito SaborosoVery tasty

Fiz a minha segunda encomenda e desta vez fiquei encantado com o presunto, muito saboroso. Encomenda decorreu sem problemas 5 estrelas.

I made my second order and this time I was delighted with the ham, very tasty. Order went smoothly 5 stars.

May 18, 2018
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Fino ad oggi abbiamo sempre comperato on line in Spagna diversi BELLOTA (su IBERGOUR e su altri negozi web) Il Bellota è il prosciutto che amiamo. Quest'ultima volta, per cambiare e per provare anche i "cugini" di qualità inferiore, abbiamo deciso di acquistare e assaggiare questo SERRANO DUROC.
Valutiamo il prosciutto come eccezionalmente buono! Ovviamente va comparato a uno dei nostri prosciutti italiani (Parma o San Daniele) e non ad un Bellota che è incomparabile per tipologia di razza, allevamento, lavorazione e stagionatura.
In questo confronto, il DUROC secondo noi esce vincente. Dolce, equilibrato, saporito. A chi avesse l'affettatrice, consigliamo di acquistarlo disossato e tagliato in 2 pezzi perchè è così che a nostro avviso rende il massimo.. Il taglio al coltello è un must per il prosciutto spagnolo, ma sempre secondo noi, solo se parliamo di un Bellota con caratteristiche ben precise che vanno valorizzate anche col metodo di taglio.
In sintesi un prodotto vivamente consigliato, ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo e gusto superiore.

Until now we have always bought several BELLOTA on-line in Spain (on IBERGOUR and on other web shops). Bellota is the ham we love. This last time, to change and to try even the lower quality "cousins", we decided to buy and taste this SERRANO DUROC. We evaluate the ham as exceptionally good! Obviously it must be compared to one of our Italian hams (Parma or San Daniele) and not to a Bellota that is incomparable for type of breed, breeding, processing and maturing. In this comparison, the DUROC according to us comes out winning. Sweet, balanced, tasty. To those who have the slicer, we recommend buying it boned and cut into 2 pieces because that is how we think it's the best .. Knife cutting is a must for Spanish ham, but always according to us, only if we talk about a Bellota with very precise characteristics that must also be enhanced with the cutting method. In short, a highly recommended product, excellent value for money and superior taste.

May 14, 2018
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Ideal für einen Abend mit gutem Wein, passt auch gut zu Obst (Kiwi, Erdbeere und natürlich Melone) und ist so der ideale Starter für einen gelungenen Abend mit Freunden.

Ideal for an evening of good wine, it goes well with fruit (kiwi, strawberry and of course melon) and is the ideal starter for a successful evening with friends.

April 2, 2018
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very good ham for the money, had a lot of pick holes, which would suggest that it had drawn a lot of interest..beautiful marbling, and nutty would not go wrong here

January 17, 2018
Fred N.
Fred N.
Ich bin begeistert, ein GeschmackserlebnisI'm excited, a taste experience

Ich habe den Schinken als Weihnachtsgeschenk von meiner Familie erhalten. Ich war sehr gespannt. Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Es ist ein Geschmackserlebnis! Ich kann diesen Schinken sehr empfehlen. Die ganze Abwicklung, Bezahlung und Lieferung haben reibungslos geklappt.

I received the ham as a Christmas present from my family. I was very excited. I was not disappointed. It's a taste experience! I highly recommend this ham. The whole process, payment and delivery went smoothly.

December 27, 2017
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Will not purchase again

I have purchsed it now for the second time, as much as the first one was excellent, so much the second one was simply bad. The taste was off and very strange. looks like with this product you are really checking your luck - if you are getting it from good or bad batch. will not be purchasing it again

December 22, 2017
buon rapporto qualità prezzogood value for money

Prosciutto morbido e dal gusto delicato.
Arrivato veloce come sempre.
Ho già comperato più volte da IBERGOUR e sono veramente molto professionali.

Soft ham with a delicate taste. Arrived as fast as ever. I have already bought several times from IBERGOUR and they are really very professional.

December 4, 2017
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Ch Cleret
Guildford, UK
Christian Cleret Sept 2017

Perfect. Delivery on time, 5 pieces perfectly packed and vacuum packed, the Reserva Batallé Duroc ham is delicious with just enough fat to be unctuous and tasty.

September 14, 2017
Cancello ed Arnone (CE) ITALIA
Spettacolare, profumato, e poi si scioglie in boccaSpectacular, scented, and then melts in the mouth

Siamo stati veramente soddisfatti, una cosa molto importante è di tagliarlo molto sottile e degustare il grasso perchè è veramente buono

We were really satisfied, one very important thing is to cut it very thin and taste fat because it's really good

June 9, 2017
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excelente relación calidad precioGreat value for the price

Al principio teníamos duda si un Duroc estaría mucho más bueno que un cerdo blanco y la verdad es que se parece más a un ibérico que a un blanvo. Excelente calidad. El jamón está impresionante, en su punto, veteado, sabroso, etc. Ni una pega. Muy recomendable

At first we doubt if a Duroc would be much more good than a white pig and the truth is that it looks more like an Iberian than a white. Excellent quality. The ham is impressive, in point, marbled, tasty, etc. Not one drawback. highly recommended

March 4, 2017
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Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzoExcellent value for money

Sicuramente un buon prodotto dal gusto equilibrato con un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
Quando si comincia non si smetterebbe più di mangiarlo.
Sono soddisfatto del prodotto e del servizio di Ibergour.

Definitely a good product with a balanced taste with a great value for money. When you start it does not cease more than eat it. I am pleased with the product and the service IberGour.

January 10, 2017
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Tender and Tasty

That's exactly what it was like. Even better than the previous leg. It was worth spending a bit more this time. Pity about the exchange rate though !

November 29, 2016
Agen, France
Les yeux fermés !Eyes closed !

gérant d'un petit restaurant dans le sud-ouest de la France, nous commandons ce jambon pour la troisième fois et nous n'avons jamais été déçu ! Ce Duroc est véritablement le jambon qui a le meilleur rapport qualité prix.

manager of a small restaurant in the southwest of France, this ham we order for the third time and we have never been disappointed! This is truly Duroc ham that has the best value.

October 30, 2016
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Roberto Cattaneo
Trieste- Italia
prodotto validogood product

un prosciutto morbido e saporito,non salato ,con poco grasso e quindi più digeribile, adattoanche per bambini e anziani con problemi di colesterolo

a soft, tasty ham, unsalted, with little fat and therefore more digestible, also suitable for children and older people with cholesterol problems

September 10, 2016
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Excellent serano

Rated from the price of the product the quality is really good. Great taste. It is not bellota, but nor is the price.

August 15, 2016
De Smet Eric.
Dilbeek Belgique
Sublime Le Serrano DurocSublime Duroc Serrano

Wow quel jambon, comme je suis un grand amateur de jambon j’en ait déjà gouter et consumer des 10 jambon diffèrent. La meilleure que j’aie gouter s’était un pata negra mais le Serrano Duroc c’est de la même qualité juste le gout est un peux moins prononcer.
Moi mon choix est fait des maintenant plus que ce jambon le Serrano Duroc est vraiment sublime est beaucoup plus abordable comme prix.
Conclusion : Prix qualité imbattable n’hésiter pas et soyer comme moi étonner et surpris.
Merci Ibergour de m’avoir conseillé ceci et prochain achat de nouveaux un Serrano Duroc.

Wow what a ham, as I am a big fan of ham I have ever taste and consume 10 ham differ. The best I have had a taste pata negra Serrano Duroc but it is just the same as the taste is less can pronounce. I made my choice is now more than Duroc Serrano ham is the truly sublime is much more affordable in price. Conclusion: unbeatable price do not hesitate and soyer like me astonished and surprised. IberGour thank you for this and recommended next purchase of a new Duroc Serrano.

November 20, 2015
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potsdam, Deutschland

Zügige Lieferung und hervorragende Produktqualität.
Hervorzuheben ist der Verzicht auf Zusatzstoffe und eine gute Behandlung und Reifung.
Milder Geschmack ist das Ergebnis.

Fast delivery and excellent product quality. The absence of additives and a good treatment and aging should be highlighted. The result is a mild taste.

November 16, 2015
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Luca M.
Luca M.
Buon prodotto, salatua nella media, ben equilibrata. Stagionatura disomogenea.Good product, salatua average, well-balanced. Uneven ripening.

Dei 2 acquisti fatti ho avuto due consegne lampo, spedizione davvero velocissima nonostante il periodo natalizio (48H). Il prodotto ha salatura ben equilibrata, non ho mai patito il troppo sale nè ne ho percepito la mancaza. Unica cosa che non mi quadra la stagionatura che è molto marcata su di un lato della coscia (tipo speck) ma particolarmente scarsa dall'altro. Avrei preferito un prodotto più omogeneo - l'ho scelto per i mesi di affinazione e conseguente asciugatura invece è troppo fresco per i miei gusti ed aspettative.
Proverei qualcos'altro la prossima volta, non riacquisterei il Duroc, troppo "fresco" per me e famiglia.

2 purchases I had two deliveries flash, shipping really fast despite the Christmas period (48H). The product has salting well balanced, I have never suffered from too much salt or I sensed mancaza. Only thing I do not square seasoning that is very marked on one side of the thigh (like bacon) but very poor on the other. I would have preferred a more homogeneous product - I chose it for the months of refining and subsequent drying it is too cool for my tastes and expectations. I would try something else next time, not riacquisterei the Duroc, too "cool" for myself and family.

December 22, 2014
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Bordeaux, France
Excellent rapport qualité/prixExcellent price / quality ratio

Très bon Serrano, viande très fondante, je le conseille vivement.
Comme lors de mes précédentes commandes, service remarquable, livraison rapide. Bravo Ibergour!

Very good Serrano, very creamy meat, I highly recommend it. As with my previous orders, outstanding service, fast delivery. Congratulations Ibergour!

July 21, 2014
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Pauline Nunez
Pauline Nunez
Bishops stortford uk
Duroc Serrano ham

This is the first time I have used Ibergour.
The product is excellent....very sweet and succulent, we will definitely buy again. The delivery service was also quick and easy.

May 26, 2014